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Mobile Phone Repair Shop Business Bookkeeping for Non Accountant is an Excel spreadsheet for non accounting people to record financial transactions and generate financial reports for repair shop business.

If you are running a mobile phone repair shop business, you may find this application is useful since it doesn’t require accounting knowledge to record all of your business transactions. All data entries will be summarized into financial statement with accounting format automatically. Transactions modules have been designed to suit your business where you can record services transaction as well as products transaction.

Mobile phone is become one of important communication tool now. Everybody bring phones. You can find mobile phones are damaged because of drown in water, fell, misuse etc. They need to be repaired. Its cost should be cheaper than purchasing a new one. That’s why this is a good business for some people who know how to repair it. They just need to have the skill to repair or hire people that have those kind of skills.

How can this spreadsheet accommodate mobile phone repair shop financial transactions?

It can record your daily, weekly or monthly transactions or combination of those. There are simple transaction worksheets where you can entry your data easily.

All recorded transactions will be mapped in financial statements with standard Accounting format automatically. Fits to any small business owners and employees who don’t have time to learn accounting but want to generate professional report like Accounting people do.

No need to calculate depreciation manually.

No need to set the report.

Just type transactions and financial reports are ready for further analysis.

What you can do with this spreadsheet?

  1. Record your transactions
  2. Print invoices and cash receipts on any transactions
  3. Track account receivable and payable
  4. Generate financial report with standard accounting format automatically
  5. View company financial status in Dashboard visualization

List of Modules

Front Menu


  1. Company Info
  2. Customer List
  3. Supplier List
  4. Receipt Number List
  5. Asset List
  6. Service Product List
  7. Sales Channel List
  8. Prepaid Revenue | Expenses
  9. Financial Report


  1. Inventory List
  2. Inventory Report
  3. Consignment | Incoming Goods
  4. Consignment | Incoming Goods Report


  1. Sales
  2. Purchase
  3. Other Income | Expenses
  4. Internal Bank/Cash Account Transfer/Mutation
  5. Depreciation


  1. Invoice
  2. Cash Receipt
  3. Purchase Order

Account Payable/Receivable

  1. Account Receivable
  2. Account Payable

Financial Statement

  1. Sales Channel
  2. Profit & Loss | Gross
  3. Profit & Loss | Monthly
  4. Profit & Loss
  5. Balance Sheet
  6. Cash Flow
  7. Equity
  8. Assets
  9. Cash Accounts
  10. Dashboard


What you will get

You will get :

  • One ready to use spreadsheet with modules as listed below
  • One spreadsheet filled with dummy data for reference
  • One User Guide in PDF format



Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

Microsoft Excel 2011, 2016, 2019 for Mac OS X