

$19 | 100 Players |  

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You will also get 25 and 50 players files compatible with Googlesheets in Fully Editable version


2023 FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP PREDICTOR GAME is an Excel spreadsheet for playing a predictor game for World Cup 2023 football tournament with your friends, colleagues or relatives.


It is similar with Men’s World Cup version. And, for you who ever use this predictor game for past 14 years, you might find more features in this version. You can set game scenario to fit your own game and apply variety points for variety of matches outcome. Furthermore, there are bonus points that you apply for certain criteria.

New features that are added to this World Cup 2023 Predictor Game .

  • Team Who Scores First fields and its bonus points
  • Champions, Runner Up and 3rd Place bonus points
  • Top 3 prediction scores in Scoreboard worksheet
  • Last 5 earning match points in Leaderboard worksheet

FULLY EDITABLE PLUS version has extra columns in each players table where players can predict and select team who scores first in each matches and get bonus point for every correct prediction

Here are short guidance on how to use it:

Set points and game scenario

In the latest and paid version, you will get 16 new criteria to collect bonus points.

2023 FIFA Women's World Cup Predictor Game - Setup


Type Player Name

Remember that player entry order will also be used as final tie-breaker in player leaderboard. There is a separate participant worksheet that you can customize to add more information of your players. Also, you can set starting point based on your own game policy.

2023 FIFA Women's World Cup Predictor Game - Participant List


Fill Player’s Prediction Scores

You can type it manually or copy paste from player prediction sheet (available in paid version only). All predictions as well as actual score results are in same worksheet page. There are additional box scores for penalty shoot out in Knock Out Rounds.

2023 FIFA Women's World Cup Predictor Game - Fill Prediction

Also, you can set different game scenario for your game in knock out rounds.


Fill Actual Scores

Fill actual scores in tournament score table.

Women WC 2023 Predictor Game - Fill KO Actual Scores


Track Player Standings

See position of your players in player leaderboard table. Now, you can also see last 5 match points earned by your players.

Women WC 2023 Predictor Game - Leaderboard



We provide only one model for this 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup tournament, Fully Editable Plus (FE Plus) version.

Womens World Cup Fully Editable Plus Price

Remember that the higher the number of players the higher computer specification you need to provide to run the spreadsheet without any noticeable delay.

What you will get

You will get :

Fully Editable Plus Version

This version has Fields to predict Team Who Scores First as well as its respective bonus point criteria

  • World Cup 2022 Predictor Game for 100 Players
  • World Cup 2022 Predictor Game for 50 and 25 Players (compatible with Googlesheets)
  • Player prediction sheets (2 models)
  • User guide in PDF format


The higher the number of players the higher the computer specification you need to provide.


Microsoft Excel 20007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

Microsoft Excel 2008, 2011, 2016, 2019 for Mac OS X

Google Sheets (only for 25 and 50 players files in FE & FE Plus version)


You can use this FREE version for the tournament. It has limited features, protected and accommodate up to 10 players only.