Auto Repair Shop Business Income Statement Generator is a simple bookkeeping spreadsheet for small business owners or financial persons to generate profit & loss report quickly. You can also use this spreadsheet for any repair businesses, like motorcycle, electronic, home appliances, bicycle repair shop etc.
There are 2 different bookkeeping versions. One yearly bookkeeping version (re-use the original file every year to generate subsequent one year report) and 5 yearly bookkeeping version (re-use the original file every 5 years).
In this spreadsheet, income statement is divided into 3 parts. Revenue, Cost of Sales and Expenses. In Auto Repair Business, you can fill Cost of Sales with direct materials, like oil, spare parts, accessories, and direct labor. You can also add overhead into particular worksheet.
If you usually group all direct costs into expenses, you can put those costs in Expenses worksheet and skip Cost of Sales part. You can hide this part in income statement report before you print it. Or you can delete its rows if you totally won’t use it. But, make sure that you understand how to do those in Excel/Googlesheets. Prepare one backup copy before doing it.
There are 5 different income statement format where all of them are fully editable and 2 optional report that should be useful if you plan to track profit & loss of particular projects, group of products and services etc. With this flexibility, you can present suitable income statement format to particular parties.
You don’t need accounting background to record your business transactions. Just fill the transaction and all income statements will be generated automatically.
Remember that income statement or profit/loss report is different from cash flow report. Balance from each report might be different since not all cash transactions are parts of income statement. You might check my other bookkeeping spreadsheet for a spreadsheet with a more complete financial statements.